Custody Disputes

Southlake Child Custody Attorneys

Dedicated to Fighting for Your Parental Rights in Tarrant County, Keller, Grapevine & Trophy Club

Child custody is often an issue that leads to disputes between parents in a divorce or between unmarried parents in a paternity case. As a parent, your children are of utmost concern to you. 

father with son

Divorce can seem to threaten your parent-child relationship as well as be a source of destabilization for them. Resolving this issue requires patience, thoughtfulness, and a dedication to what is best for your child while bearing in mind your parental rights.

Child Custody Laws in Texas

Texas no longer uses the term “custody.” In Texas, “conservatorship” is the official term used for this issue and parents who have custody are called “conservators.”  

Types of Custody in TX

Custody involves two legal aspects in regards to the child. These are:

  1. Legal conservatorship: This gives a parent the legal authority to make life decisions for the child, such as those involving education, health, religion, and more.
  2. Physical conservatorship: This gives a parent the right to have the child live with him or her, either in a shared plan or as the sole conservator.

Conservatorships can be shared, where both parents are given authority on an equal or semi-equal basis or on a sole basis, where one parent has primary rights to the child. 

Variations can also be arranged,  such as joint legal and physical conservatorships where parents share rights and access to the child or other arrangements where one parent has primary physical and legal custody while the other has visitation rights only. 

Generally, only in cases where domestic violence or substance abuse has occurred will the court award sole conservatorships to one parent only. 

FAQ: Child Custody in Southlake 

What factors do courts consider in child custody cases?

Courts consider several factors in child custody cases, primarily focusing on the child's best interests. These factors may include the child's age, health, emotional ties to each parent, each parent's ability to care for the child, and the child's home, school, and community stability. The court may also consider any history of family violence or substance abuse.

How can a child custody attorney help me?

A child custody attorney can provide invaluable guidance and representation throughout the custody process. They can help you understand your rights, navigate the legal system, and present a compelling case to advocate for your desired custody arrangement. Attorneys can also assist in negotiating agreements and ensuring compliance with court orders.

How is child support determined in custody cases?

Child support is calculated based on state guidelines, which consider factors such as each parent's income, the number of children, and the amount of time the child spends with each parent. Additional factors, such as healthcare costs and educational needs, may also impact the support amount. An attorney can help ensure that child support is calculated fairly.

Can custody arrangements be modified?

Yes, custody arrangements can be modified if there is a significant change in circumstances affecting the child's welfare. This might include a parent's relocation, changes in a parent's lifestyle or job, or any issues impacting the child's safety or stability. A child custody attorney can assist in filing a modification request and representing your interests in court.

Do Custody Disputes Always Have to be Settled in Court?

It is ideal if you and the other parent can create a parenting plan outside of court that can be submitted to the judge for approval. If you and your spouse or co-parent cannot come to a custody agreement, the court will determine the issue based on what it considers to be in the best interests of the child. 

How do the Courts Determine Child Custody Arrangements?

Courts will look at many factors when making this determination, such as: 

  • The relationship the child has with both parents
  • The proximity of the parental homes
  • The child’s current school, community, and family dynamics
  • How well the parents can work together
  • Each parent’s ability to foster the child’s relationship with the other party
  • Among other circumstances and factors 

Our team of skilled Southlake custody dispute lawyers will work directly with you throughout this issue to help reach you reach an optimum result, whether through negotiations outside of court or by presenting well-prepared arguments at trial.

How an Experienced Southlake Child Custody Attorney Can Help

There are many benefits to consulting with an experienced Southlake child custody lawyer. Some include: 

  • Legal Expertise: Our experienced Southlake child custody attorneys bring in-depth knowledge of Texas family law and custody regulations to the table, ensuring that clients understand their rights and options within the legal framework.
  • Customized Strategy: Each case is evaluated independently, with strategies customized to fit our client's specific circumstances, objectives, and the child's best interests.
  • Advocacy: Acting as unwavering advocates, we champion their clients' interests in negotiations, mediation, and court, guaranteeing their voices are heard and their rights are defended.
  • Minimized Conflict: By fostering effective communication and seeking amicable resolutions whenever possible, we strive to minimize conflict and protect children from unnecessary stress and emotional turmoil.
  • Emotional Support: In addition to legal assistance, we provide emotional support and guidance, aiding parents in navigating the emotional hurdles of custody disputes and offering comfort during challenging periods.
  • Child-Centered Approach: With a focus on the well-being of the children involved, we work to establish custody arrangements that prioritize the children's needs, stability, and happiness.
  • Resource Network: We have connections with a variety of professionals, such as mediators, therapists, and child specialists, who offer supplementary assistance and expertise as required.

Our experienced Southlake child custody attorneys can provide invaluable assistance, working towards securing favorable outcomes that prioritize the best interests of the children involved.

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If you need help handling a child custody dispute in Southlake, Tarrant County, Keller, Grapevine, or Trophy Club, please contact skillful child custody attorneys at Law Offices of Dana L. White online or by calling (817) 697-0180 now.